Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hammer On The Nail - Live from The Stone Coyotes

From Greenfield, Massachusetts, one of my favorite bands; locals The Stone Coyotes

TuRn It uP (this is meant to be loud)

This song about sums up how I'm feelin' today.
Barbara Keith is our local First Lady of Rock. She's sixty-something and rocks like nobody's mama. And she is nobody's mama. She has no children of her own. Her step-son is the bassist in the band. Her husband, the drummer. So even though I'm irritable today, The Stone Coyotes have made my day.

Barbara Keith, songwriter and lead guitarist
Doug Tibbles - drums
John Tibbles - bass


  1. Good post! I'll have to tell my husband about the Stone Coyotes.

  2. Thank you for this! I heard them on a friend's satellite radio, probably on an Americana station, and for the longest time couldn't find anything on them ... until they slipped my mind.

  3. Thanks for coming by and turning it up, friends!

    Beth: I love Barbara Keith. She's really down-to-earth and unpretentious - a credit to female rockers for sure.

  4. I SO love this band, and secretly (well, less so now) have the hots for Barbara K.

    And to be painfully honest, John T. is hotter than shit as well. And there aren't too many guys who make me notice that!

    We ought to keep an eye on their schedule and try to catch them again, that would be fun. :)

    PS (no not you, the "post-script" kind) I'm courting Repetative Motion Syndrome from hitting the replay on that song!

  5. CR: Ha! John is too young for me. I like Barbara! ;-)

  6. That really rocks! Sounds like Patti Smith fronting The Stooges doing Dylan's 'I Wanna Be Your Lover'. Excellent.

  7. Good analysis, singingbear! But where Patti's voice is husky, Barbara's is sharp, like a bell.


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