Welcome to the January 8 edition of The Friday Evening Nudes. Stoke the fire and enjoy. Oh, don't forget to click the images for extra-voluptuousness.
Romaine Brooks
Zinaida Serebriakova
At this moment, there is only one request for a nude, from Cloudia for Gypsy, but I could not find one without clothes! ;-) Nonetheless it is a splendid painting. Rousseau is one of my favorite painters since childhood.
The Sleeping Gypsy,
At this moment, there is only one request for a nude, from Cloudia for Gypsy, but I could not find one without clothes! ;-) Nonetheless it is a splendid painting. Rousseau is one of my favorite painters since childhood.
The Sleeping Gypsy,
Henri Rousseau
This is, after all, the Friday Evening Nudes, so here is another beauty from Rousseau
Hmmmmm... :-)
Self-Portrait as a Soldier
Ernst Ludwig Kirschner
The Spirit of the Dead
(oh, even the name sends tingles up my spine! ;-)
And in case you missed this in the post A Call for Nudes, this link throws a sort of feminine spin on Gaugin's women.
Gaugin's Postcards from Polynesia
The one below is not a request but a dedication to my partner; my best friend WP (you are running neck in neck with Queen Lentil Bean as a best friend. And that's saying a lot!)
You appreciate Frida more than anyone I've ever known.
I heart you.
dejeuner herbe
(This work spun up a lot of controversy in its time and is now considered Manet's best work)
The one below is not a request but a dedication to my partner; my best friend WP (you are running neck in neck with Queen Lentil Bean as a best friend. And that's saying a lot!)
You appreciate Frida more than anyone I've ever known.
I heart you.
dejeuner herbe
(This work spun up a lot of controversy in its time and is now considered Manet's best work)
I have nothing further than to wish you a good weekend, a safe journey somewhere in the mind and don't neglect your heart.
Pagan Sphinx
I have nothing further than to wish you a good weekend, a safe journey somewhere in the mind and don't neglect your heart.
Pagan Sphinx