Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Governor of Vermont Jim Douglas Sucks

Jim Douglas, Republican governor of Vermont, says he will veto a gay marriage bill if it passes the state Legislature. The senate overwhelmingly passed the bill - 26-4. Vermont was the first state in the nation to legalize civil unions.

Douglas says that during this time of economic uncertainty the Vermont legislature shouldn't be wasting its time trying to push through this bill. In other words, he doesn't consider it a priority. Which is bullshit because he's against gay marriage. All the work is done; all he has to do is sign the damn thing! Douglas is making it so that the people behind this bill have to go back to the drawing board. So he can then accuse them of wasting more time.

Governor Douglas: move on! GLBT people and their allies will not go away!


  1. What an ass. But we'll keep fighting, we glbts and those who Stand By Me (us) Love ya, Gina!!

  2. The biggest problem with our current economic crisis at the forefront of everyone's consciousness is that the really important stuff is getting short-shrifted. We need to be getting more inclusive, not less, and this guy proves the thesis.

    btw: I've never answered your Sphinx riddle: Man. As an infant, he crawls on all fours.
    In the middle of life, he walks upright on two legs.
    In old age, he uses a cane for assistance.

    I'm not looking forward to evening.

  3. Susan! You're adorable. :-) No worries. This Sphinx is much more compassionate than the original model.

    By actually seeing the answer in print after years and years, I was reminded that my father asked us this question when we were quite little. Which blows me away...that was the first riddle I ever heard. I named the blog over a year ago and I had only the most nebulous of recollections of this until just now. There is something sort of profound in all of least at this moment. :-) Hugs, Dear Susan!


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